Something Greater than 33 Billion Cubic Inches

A shoe box donated to Operation Christmas Child (OCC) has the space that averages 330 cubic inches. Over the last 20 years, Samaritan’s Purse (OCC’s parent organization) has collected over 100 million of these boxes filled with love, toys, bars of soap, socks, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (This number is comparable to theContinue reading “Something Greater than 33 Billion Cubic Inches”

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Is Your Church Winning? – a book review

What does the sport of wrestling have to do with church? Pastor Jim Putman would give the answer of “everything” in his book, Church is a Team Sport, because people understand sports better than they do church. Putman was a three time All-American collegiate wrestler who came to Christ after college. For ten years, heContinue reading “Is Your Church Winning? – a book review”

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Could You Become an Ordinary Superhero? – a book review

Heroes are ordinary people, but they are not normal. Superstars, talented athletes, the famous and wealthy are normal but not ordinary. They are normal in that, for the most part, they are self-indulgent people who live for temporal pleasure and hedonistic pursuits. Apart from their circumstances, they are quite normal and, therefore, should not beContinue reading “Could You Become an Ordinary Superhero? – a book review”

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The Gospel’s Secret Agent

Something critically important is missing in most evangelistic  efforts of churches and individual Christians. Many pastors want to point at the problems of apathy, busyness, or laziness. Yet the real problem lies within the core of the Church. For the most part, we have shut out the third person of the Trinity from our GospelContinue reading “The Gospel’s Secret Agent”

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When Jesus Resorts to Name Calling (Lesson #48- Summer School with Jesus)

Today’s Reading: Matthew 7:6  (HCSB) Don’t give what is holy to dogs or toss your pearls before pigs, or they will trample them with their feet, turn, and tear you to pieces. Today’s Question: Is there ever a time that you should not share the Gospel with someone? Today’s Commentary: As Christians, we are to shareContinue reading “When Jesus Resorts to Name Calling (Lesson #48- Summer School with Jesus)”

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When Grown Men Should Cry (Lesson 3- Summer School with Jesus)

Today’s Reading: Matthew 5:4 (HCSB) Those who mourn are blessed, for they will be comforted. Today’s Question: How big of a deal is sin? Today’s Commentary: Everyone sins, every day. Sin is glorified in our world, dismissed as a reality by some, and generally accepted by the masses as a part of life. Ask someone theContinue reading “When Grown Men Should Cry (Lesson 3- Summer School with Jesus)”

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Recipe for Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

Cookie cutters are great tools for chocolate chip dough. This mentality, however, is a real detriment to volunteer ministry. Trying to fit every member of your church into the same ministry mold will only cause frustration- for the leaders and the volunteers. This is not God’s design for any category of ministry, especially outreach. OfContinue reading “Recipe for Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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Spirit-Led Outreach

The potential to radically impact the world for Christ that is partially due to a missing link. Many believers have not made the connection between the gifts of the Spirit they possess and the call of Christ to share the Gospel. The fact is that most Christians do not share the Gospel. In addition, lessContinue reading “Spirit-Led Outreach”

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