Something Greater than 33 Billion Cubic Inches

A shoe box donated to Operation Christmas Child (OCC) has the space that averages 330 cubic inches. Over the last 20 years, Samaritan’s Purse (OCC’s parent organization) has collected over 100 million of these boxes filled with love, toys, bars of soap, socks, and the Gospel of Jesus Christ. (This number is comparable to theContinue reading “Something Greater than 33 Billion Cubic Inches”

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The Gospel’s Secret Agent

Something critically important is missing in most evangelistic  efforts of churches and individual Christians. Many pastors want to point at the problems of apathy, busyness, or laziness. Yet the real problem lies within the core of the Church. For the most part, we have shut out the third person of the Trinity from our GospelContinue reading “The Gospel’s Secret Agent”

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Get Out of Church! (Review of the Externally Focused Church by Rusaw/Swanson)

If non-Christians are not knocking down your door to get into the church, maybe your focus is wrong. I am not suggesting a seeker-friendly service or gimmicks to get people in. According to Rick Risaw and Eric Swanson, getting people into church means we must first get out of church. In their book, The ExternallyContinue reading “Get Out of Church! (Review of the Externally Focused Church by Rusaw/Swanson)”

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Recipe for Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

Cookie cutters are great tools for chocolate chip dough. This mentality, however, is a real detriment to volunteer ministry. Trying to fit every member of your church into the same ministry mold will only cause frustration- for the leaders and the volunteers. This is not God’s design for any category of ministry, especially outreach. OfContinue reading “Recipe for Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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The Life and Times of the Lone “Reacher” (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

There she goes. The Lone “Reacher.” Riding off into the sunset after a long, but eventful day of sharing the Gospel. She is a seasoned evangelist who can take down almost any argument against God. There are few who are like her. Maybe that is a good thing. While some people enjoy the solitude ofContinue reading “The Life and Times of the Lone “Reacher” (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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The Jesus School of Outreach (Part Two) (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

Outreach is not easy, but it is simple. The message and the task are clear. “I am sending you as sheep among wolves.” When Jesus wanted to get the attention of the disciples about the dangers of outreach, He went all out. When they preached the good news of Christ, they rarely experienced a warmContinue reading “The Jesus School of Outreach (Part Two) (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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The Jesus School of Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

How did Jesus train His disciples in outreach? Here’s a hint, it did not include a seminary education or a 16 week DVD series. His technique was simple and powerful. It was so basic than every church leader today can follow. As Jesus began His public ministry, He called people to follow Him. Those whoContinue reading “The Jesus School of Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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Are YOU a Missionary? (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

“We stand and fall on our definitions.” I believe this is true and critical to our understanding of the issues of faith. Our society has become a master of hijacking words, changing their meanings, and making something grey from that which was clearly black and white. However, other instances of distorting the meanings of wordsContinue reading “Are YOU a Missionary? (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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Is Outreach Optional for a Christian? (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

Some things are just a requirement in life. Drinking water, eating, adequate oxygen, sleep, and NFL football are a few that come to mind. For the life of me, I cannot imagine how a person could be a genuine follower of Christ and choose not to share the Gospel. Maybe it is possible, but itContinue reading “Is Outreach Optional for a Christian? (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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The Power of Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

Nothing can be produced by a Christian that is eternal value, unless the Holy Spirit orchestrates the production. We can try to make things happen, even attempt to “save” people. Yet, our plans will fail if the Holy Spirit is not at work. The Lord reminded the prophet Zechariah of this truth. The Lord spokeContinue reading “The Power of Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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