Beyond Pizza and Swim Parties: Disciple-Making with Children/Teens (a book review)

What will the local church look like in 20 years? Take a peek into the youth room of your church and then visit the young adult class. The glimpse may be frightening. In many settings, children and youth ministries are failing to make disciples of Jesus Christ who stand in faith beyond their teenage years. Some churchContinue reading “Beyond Pizza and Swim Parties: Disciple-Making with Children/Teens (a book review)”

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Is Your Church Winning? – a book review

What does the sport of wrestling have to do with church? Pastor Jim Putman would give the answer of “everything” in his book, Church is a Team Sport, because people understand sports better than they do church. Putman was a three time All-American collegiate wrestler who came to Christ after college. For ten years, heContinue reading “Is Your Church Winning? – a book review”

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The Jesus School of Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)

How did Jesus train His disciples in outreach? Here’s a hint, it did not include a seminary education or a 16 week DVD series. His technique was simple and powerful. It was so basic than every church leader today can follow. As Jesus began His public ministry, He called people to follow Him. Those whoContinue reading “The Jesus School of Effective Outreach (Spirit-led Outreach Series)”

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Make Plans, Not Resolutions

            I feel like a failure around the second week of January each year. On New Year’s Eve, I sit down with a notepad and decide what changes need to be made. Thirty minutes later, I am overwhelmed with the amount of things that come to mind. I spend theContinue reading “Make Plans, Not Resolutions”

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Is Training Required? (5 Things Series)

If mediocrity is good enough for you, then you can just skip this post. If, however, you want to see followers of Christ serving with joy and effectiveness in ministry, training is not optional. Most churches expect their pastors to have some level of formal training. To scan a listing of pastoral job openings, oneContinue reading “Is Training Required? (5 Things Series)”

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