Got Faith? Prove It! (Four Levels of Followship)

Disciples of Jesus cannot be “undercover” agents. I have met people before who claimed to know Christ but also explained that their religion was a private matter. Strangely, Jesus never instructed His followers to live a private faith. In Acts, the first disciples of Jesus lived their faith in Him so publicly that all enduredContinue reading “Got Faith? Prove It! (Four Levels of Followship)”

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How to Walk…in Christ

When I used to run (competitively), I purchased special shoes from a “running store.” I have weird feet that match the rest of me. Therefore, when I was trying on a shoe, the sales specialist wanted to see me walk. With an eye close to the floor, the specialist would analyze my stride and selectContinue reading “How to Walk…in Christ”

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How to Walk…Pleasing to God

Do you walk with a purpose? I am one of “those people.” I prefer to walk up the escalator at the mall. On occasion (just for fun), I have even run up the escalator, surely catching the attention of the “mall cops.” Part of the reason is impatience and the other part is the sensationContinue reading “How to Walk…Pleasing to God”

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How to Walk…

Watching a toddler learning to walk can be great fun. From sitting to pulling up, there is a great anticipation and build of parental excitement to see a child bravely take his or her first step. We even carry a video camera in our pocket for months, hoping to capture the first moment. Walking isContinue reading “How to Walk…”

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