Four Hurdles For Volunteers (created by Church Leaders)

There is a reason that the average church has 20% or less of the members serving in ministry. Church leaders create too many hurdles. Often this is unintentional, but it warrants our attention. Is it possible that we are making ministry service difficult for most believers? There are four particular hurdles that I want toContinue reading “Four Hurdles For Volunteers (created by Church Leaders)”

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Feedback Friendly Leadership

Not everyone enjoys receiving criticism, but most appreciate some honest feedback. The encouragement and correction of others keeps our motives and our moves in check. We need people in our lives who will offer guidance in our weaker areas and an appropriate accolade when we “get it right.” Years ago, I bought an intriguing gadgetContinue reading “Feedback Friendly Leadership”

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5 Things “A Church Member” Wants His Leadership to Know

“Help me find the ministry that God has for me in this church. I want to serve so that I can help others, but I need to know what to do, how to do it, and how I am doing. Sincerely, A Church Member.”  This is the cry of a church member who is followingContinue reading “5 Things “A Church Member” Wants His Leadership to Know”

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Connection Failure: From Community to “Me-ism” (Ministry Trends Series)

Is it better for a person not to serve if the motive involves a selfish interest? If someone had a personal motive for serving, should a church leader say “no” to the request? When I consider the teachings of the Bible, there is no instance where a person accomplished anything of value by himself orContinue reading “Connection Failure: From Community to “Me-ism” (Ministry Trends Series)”

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Motivational Shift: Why people volunteer (Ministry Trends Series)

I grew up in an era when we were taught in school: “You can do anything. You can change the world.” Right or wrong, that was ingrained into our impressionable heads. Now, tens of millions of young adults are wandering around, trying to figure out how they can begin a revolution. Today, people are notContinue reading “Motivational Shift: Why people volunteer (Ministry Trends Series)”

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How Volunteer Ministry Can Go Terribly Wrong

Objects that are misplaced can create a frustrating situation. I should know. My Mom was not kidding when she said, “You’d loose your head if it were not attached.” However, in the church, people that are misplaced constitute a tragedy. Every believer has the greatest power force in the world and has been gifted forContinue reading “How Volunteer Ministry Can Go Terribly Wrong”

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